Op-Ed from Rep. Rita’s Office: Stop Youth Drug Use

CHICAGO -- The scourge of drug abuse is evident in our community. The younger our kids start using, the worse the consequences.
Danny Romeo, special assistant to state Rep. Bob Rita, talks about the work that is being done and needs to be done to educate our youth and prevent them from using drugs in this new op-ed:
On December 12, 2019, four adolescents from Arthur A. Libby Elementary and Middle School from Chicago, were hospitalized due to the use of illicit drugs. The reason why the headline caught my attention was because one week earlier, I was facilitating a presentation all week at Wendell Smith Elementary and Middle School in Chicago on "School Students in the Drug World."
There is a silent epidemic out there and no one wants to talk about it. Adolescent drug use is killing more individuals than gun violence ever did.
In the summer of 2018, 28th District State Representative Robert Rita reached out to me for assistance on helping one of his constituents address their daughter's possible drug use. After that issue was resolved, Representative Rita wanted to be proactive in addressing adolescent drug use. In September 2019 during National Recovery Month, Representative Rita sponsored an event for adults to address adolescent drug use.
Everyone who attended the above event had positive reviews. It was decided to take our little show on the road and present it to the adults throughout the district. However, there was very little response to participate. When we did have a venue for our presentation everyone enjoyed it. After one event, I had a participant email me stating that she sent her child to a rehab facility the very next day.
During the preparation for our 2019 National Recovery Month event, Representative Rita was ecstatic about the results of the previous year's efforts. He reminded me what he told me when we started this adventure, "If we could save one person, then it's all worth it."
At our 2019 National Recovery Month event, besides once again addressing adolescent drug use we dwelled on the actual numbers of this silent epidemic as compared to other tragedies:
• U.S. Vietnam War deaths 1965 thru 1975 – 55,000. There were protests, marching in the streets, closing of institutions.
• U.S. AIDS deaths 1995 – 50,000. There were protests, marching in the streets, building of AIDS quilts, public education. Finally, introduction of life-saving drugs.
• U.S. AIDS deaths 2017 – 17,800. The effects of education and life-saving drugs.
• U.S. drug overdose deaths 2018 – 68,500. More deaths than 10 years of the Vietnam War, more deaths than at that height of the AIDS epidemic. Where are the protests, marching in the streets?
After our 2019 National Recovery Month event, it was decided to continue to reach out to the adult community throughout the district about adolescent drug use. However, there was a consensus to educate our children directly. Currently, we are reaching out to the schools to be proactive about adolescent drug use. The goals of the school presentation are:
• Why elementary school students use and don't use drugs.
• What happens to elementary school students' brains when they use drugs?
• How fast can elementary school students become addicted to drugs?
• How elementary school students can discuss drug use with someone.
To schedule a presentation, call (708) 396 – 2822 or email dromeo.28ilstaterep@gmail.com. The presentations are about an hour.
Danny Romeo is a Special Assistant to 28th District State Representative Robert Rita. He holds a Master of Health Science in Addiction Studies.