Opposition kills drug rehab for Southington campus development

SOUTHINGTON — Drug and alcohol treatment won’t be a part of the Lincoln College campus redevelopment following strong opposition from neighbors and questions from town planners.
Dennis Terwilliger, president of the company that owns the Mount Vernon Road property, said he hadn’t anticipated objections. Drug and alcohol treatment were among the land uses allowed in the residential zone with a special permit from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
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“We’re limited to whatever the special zone options are,” Terwilliger said Wednesday. “There aren’t very many, and drug and alcohol treatment was one of them.”
He and the town have been trying to market the former college campus for more than a year without success. A buyer interested earlier this year has withdrawn from the deal.
Terwilliger has presented plans to the town that include a host of uses in the different campus buildings including veterinary care, adult day care, medical offices and drug detoxification and treatment. The prospect of drug rehab patients in the residential area prompted opposition from neighbors during a meeting held via video conference on Tuesday.
He said Southington doesn’t have drug or alcohol treatment facilities so saw a need. Terwiliger ran such a facility with partners in Florida where he has a home.
“In retrospect, had we foreseen the pushback, we just wouldn’t have included that choice,” he said.
The space will be allocated to other, less controversial uses.
Check back for more on this developing story.