Police Save Overdose Victim In Greenwich: PD

GREENWICH, CT — Officers used Narcan to save a person suffering from a drug overdose at a Greenwich hotel Saturday, according to police. Lt. John Slusarz said officers responded to the hotel on Steamboat Road and were able to reverse the effects of the overdose after administering Narcan to the person.
Slusarz said the officers' efforts were "life-saving," however he was unable to give out much information regarding the incident.
"We're trying to treat this whole opioid issue by getting treatment for the users and using strong enforcement against the sellers," Slusarz said to Patch.
In August, officers were able to revive a man suffering from a drug overdose in the Byram area of town using Narcan.
Slusarz said this was not the first person police have saved using Narcan in the past couple of years.
"That's why we're carrying it now," Slusarz said, referring to the fact that officers started carrying Narcan on them last year.
The department also has a partnership with Greenwich Hospital and drug rehabilitation services, through which they are able to get drug-users the help they need and point them in the direction of facilities that can help them.
"We go after the drug dealers and the supplier," Slusarz said, "but we try to get the users the help that they need."