Prescription Drug Abuse and the Elderly
Drug abuse among the elderly is a very common occurrence particularly in age 65 and older that often goes without being clinically diagnosed. Many people consider drug abuse as problems that mainly afflict younger people that have a reckless bent, but dependence does not discriminate. As a matter of fact, statistics reveal that substance abuse rates are generally higher among individuals with age 65 and older compared to the common population. However, the explosion of prescribed drugs for healing all sorts of discomfort and pains has resulted in a rise in relevant dependence in the elderly.
The loss of a life-long partner or spouse may also cause a general change in substance abuse. Possibly it starts with drugs before night time, but leads to the reliance on several drugs in order to get through the period. However there are 2 main categories of substance abuse within the elderly. First, you will find those who have been addicted either constantly or on and off in their entire lives. Therefore, elderly addiction is simply a continuation of a long-term pattern. Second, you will find those who come to substance addiction later in life. This commonly occurs due to chronic pain or other health conditions, or as a response to the loss of a partner or isolation.
Substance abuse recovery for elderly victims includes a special set of problems. For instance, elderly people that have been abusing for many years sometimes consider themselves as beyond recuperation, and it can be hard for relatives to enter this stubbornness and persuade them that getting treatment is the perfect way. And there are good comments why getting clean is really better. Elderly people mired in substance abuse will probably have health issues, their quality of own life is lower, and they probably need more help as they keep aging.
Mixing substance abuse whether they are prescribed or over-the counter medications can be dangerous. For instance, taking drugs in addition to taking acetaminophen can result in liver damage, even liver malfunction. Elderly people on an aspirin routine should talk to their doctor as it can augment intestinal and stomach bleeding. Anti-depressants and sleeping pills used with alcohol can lead to increased signs and unintended overdose.
In recovery, elderly victims often need deeper, more cautious medical attention compared to younger victims, but this must not be a barrier to treatment. In case you have an elderly addict in your household and are thinking of ways to get them into therapy, contact around to several nearby recovery centers, and you will discover that some of them are prepared to handle victims of any age. Many elderly people are hesitant to address these issues, but do not hesitate to raise the concern if you feel it is getting bad. It is not strange for elderly people to have involved in substance abuse for thirty and above, but it is never too late for you to quit. If you or someone you love has a dependence on prescription drugs, call our helpful intake coordinators today at Right Path Drug Rehab.