Should I be seeking addiction treatment post-pandemic?

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Drug rehab programs across the country adapted during the lockdowns. Many centers incorporated virtual programs, such as counseling and support. Some inpatient centers were still operating, while state and federal government increased harm reduction efforts making it easier to supply opioid addicts with more opioids.
Overall, it was an adapt-or-die situation for treatment providers, people in recovery, and drug users. In some states, such as New York, there was a dramatic decrease in treatment program bed availability for residents. Some of the drug treatment centers in the state were unable to admit new patients and were unable to comply with health recommendations mandated by the CDC.
There is a general concern about the virus, especially within residential treatment settings. States are beginning to ease restrictions, and there potentially could be a big inflow of people needing help, pushing the concern aside, leaving the question, is it a good time to ask for help?
During the peak of the pandemic, it was essential for everyone within the treatment industry to adapt. People in recovery needed help; opioid addicts required detox and withdrawal management, and current patients in residential centers needed to be kept safe.
During the height of the pandemic, detox programs in the different states managed to set up mobile detox services separate from the facility. Inpatient centers increased the frequency of cleaning, daily disinfecting, and admission specialists added additional screening questions. Patients who were admitted had their vitals checked at predetermined times every day. Staff members at facilities were wearing personal protective equipment, and staff monitored clients closely for COVID-19 symptoms. Yet, as the restrictions begin to ease, treatment programs may find it easier to work around the current barriers.
However, many treatment providers are worried that despite the increased need for treatment, and the proper precautions are taken, will people be reaching out, or will it require more interventio?
COVID-19 has impacted many aspects of addiction and mental health — but this should not prevent people from reaching out. Addiction for many people during lockdown and self-isolation became worse. Relapse rates among recovering addicts potentially increased. It was made clear by state and federal health officials that people with substance use disorders may be at greater risk of contracting COVID-19. Isolation and not asking for help increase the risk, especially the potential for overdose.
The time is now to ask for help and treatment providers to reach out and get people into these programs. Some Americans are starting to get back to work, but the damage is done for so many — the added stress of getting back into a routine could become too much.
The current narrative is the “new normal,” which is ridiculous. None of this has been normal and should not be considered normal, but rather a temporary solution to an evolving problem.
If you know rehabilitation or recovery support is going to help you, this is the time to seek it out. Over the coming months, more information will come to light about how these lockdowns and self-isolation may have caused more harm than good. Now is not the time to second guess needing treatment or counseling — reach out and access it now.
Joseph Kertis is an experienced healthcare professional-turned journalist. He lives in Newport, Oregon. His experience in the field of substance abuse and addiction recovery provides a unique insight into one of our Nation’s most challenging epidemics. He utilizes this knowledge in his writing to give an expert viewpoint that spreads awareness through education. He is a featured author of the healthcare website