Son of WWE legend ‘Million Dollar Man’ arrested in $4M welfare scam

Brett DiBiase, the son of the former well-known wrestler Ted DiBiase, is in hot water, arrested as part of a federal welfare money scam in which $4 million was allegedly stolen that was supposed to go to non-profit organization.
Of that cash, at least $48,000 was used to pay for his drug rehab, indictments issued on Wednesday revealed. The former head of the Mississippi welfare agency and others are in trouble for what Republican Auditor Shad White called a “sprawling conspiracy.”
The son of the “Million Dollar Man” and a former wrestler himself, the 36-year-old DiBiase allegedly received $48,000 to get help for his drug addiction. In an attempt to cover it up, the payments were made by the department’s former director, John Davis, and Nancy New, the owner and director of the Mississippi Community Education Center and New Learning Resources, to make it look like DiBiase was being paid to teach classes about drug abuse.
Invoices and other records were allegedly falsified.