Two dead in DeKalb from drug overdoses Monday, Tuesday, reports DeKalb police

DeKALB - Two DeKalb residents have died in the last two days due to drug-related overdoses, according to the DeKalb Police Department, and police are issuing a warning to remind residents of the dangers of narcotics.
DeKalb police investigators are looking into the two deaths, which occurred Monday and Tuesday, along with where the two people may have gotten the narcotics from. Police said many drugs sold on the streets are often touted as something they're not, which can lead to accidental overdoses.
The identity of the two dead from drug overdoses this week is not yet known.
"Street-level narcotics such as opioids are oftentimes not what the drug is purported to be," the release states. "It is common that these substances are mixed with other drugs or cutting agents. It is common for officers to seize narcotics that have been cut with the drug fentanyl."
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid pain reliever, which is highly potent and can be fatal if taken improperly.
The DeKalb Police Department offers assistance to those impacted by addiction though a program called Project HOPE (Heroin, Opioid Outreach Prevention and Education).
The program helps those fighting addition by finding treatment and aiding their placement in rehab facilities. Treatments can range from in-patient detox and rehabilitation to outpatient counseling, the release states, and any variation of drug or alcohol addiction qualifies for assistance in the program.

To date, the program has helped 13 people find placement in treatment facilities.
Those wishing to participate in Project HOPE remain anonymous, and participants may turn in personal use drugs and drug paraphernalia without facing any charges through a partnership with the DeKalb County State's Attorney's office, the release states.
Project HOPE participation is completely voluntary, with the goal being to connect people with services to aid in their recover.
To learn more about Project HOPE, call the DeKalb Police Department at 815-748-8400.